
Showing posts from January, 2024


Dear Ife, As the month of comes to an end, you can’t help but reflect on the journey that has brought you to this moment. The past is behind you, and the possibilities of the future are as vast as the sky. I want you to continue to rebuild and find yourself, invest in yourself, don’t stop writing! Don’t overthink anything, always leave the past in the past and live in the present, feel the present and still focus on what is ahead. Please never give up and always believe in your yourself, learn, unlearn and relearn. Always take care of yourself, look good, smell good, take a break and rest. Be there for your family and loved ones, call them, support and wish them well. It is okay to express your emotions, cry if you want to, talk to someone, speak up for yourself, do not let anyone bully you. Most importantly of all, let God be in your heart always, he is the truest friend to you so don’t disappoint Him. I want you to take a moment to wish yourself all the happiness, love and success th


Hello, beautiful people! Grab a seat, fasten your seatbelts , and get ready to dive into my Detty   December  adventures, a month that transcended the ordinary and turned into a life-altering journey of love, laughter and spiritual awakening. The month kicked off with a bang; parties that seemed to defy the laws of time. From rooftop shindigs to intimate gatherings in hidden gems. Detty December  was more than just a celebration; it  was a mosaic of faces, stories and shared moments that etched themselves into the tapestry of my memory. Amidst the sea of faces, I stumbled upon a connection that transcended the ordinary. Love, unexpected and serendipitous, found its way into my Detty   December  narrative. As laughter resonated through shared jokes and stolen glances, I discovered that Detty   December  wasn’t just about revelry; it was a time for hearts to sync in harmony, dancing to the melody of newfound  connections. Despite the glittering lights, I found myself peeling away layers,


Hello, beautiful people! It feels incredible to finally sit down and reconnect with you after what seems like an eternity. I owe you a heartfelt apology for my unexplained absence, and today, I want to share the rollercoaster of events that led to this unintentional hiatus. Life has a funny way of keeping us on our toes, doesn’t it? In the hustle and bustle of work and the challenges that come with navigating adulthood, I lost sight of the importance of my blog. The realization hit hard. I had failed to prioritize something that brings me immense joy and connection. Among the whirlwind of events, one of the highlights of my 2023 was my birthday ceremony, a day filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Little did I know that few challenges awaited me, including the intense preparation for the NYSC camp orientation. I found myself serving at the Agege Iyana-Paja Lagos NYSC camp. The three weeks were a mix of emotions. I met incredible people, unexpectedly reunited with old