
Showing posts from March, 2024


Dear Dominion, As I sit down to write this letter, my heart weighs with the realization that our journey together has come to an end. It’s a moment I never imagined facing, yet here I am, bidding farewell to the love of my life. There are no words adequate enough to express the depth of emotion swirling within me as I pen these lines. Our time together has been a whirlwind of laughter, tears, joy and sorrow, each moment etching itself into the very fabric of my being. You’ve been my confidant, my partner in crime and the one who has illuminated even the darkest corners of my soul with your love. But has much as it pains me to admit, sometimes love isn’t enough to bridge the chasm between two souls. Despite the love that binds us, circumstances have conspired to pull us apart, leading us down divergent paths that we must now traverse alone. In the silence of this moment, memories come flooding back the tender touch of your hand, the warmth of your embrace, the whispered words of affecti


I am an enthusiast of all things beautiful. I take pleasure in appearing aesthetically pleasing, emitting a delightful fragrance, donning stylish attire and embodying an overall positive demeanor. Despite being inherently reserved, I once grappled with a lack of confidence and held a self-depreciating view. I used to perceive myself as unworthy and susceptible to being taken advantage of. However, that’s no longer the case! I take pride in declaiming that I’ve shed that former identity, I’ve undergone a transformation, teaching myself to remain authentic in any situation, pursue my passions without concern for others’ opinions and above all, to prioritize looking good, smelling good and dressing impeccably. Your 20s are a trans-formative time, marked by self-discovery, personal growth and confidence. One aspect that often accompanies this period is a heightened awareness of personal appearance. While beauty is subjective and unique to each individual, there’s no denying the empowering


Hello, beautiful people! this is a gentle reminder that each of us is a masterpiece designed by God. The beauty that emanates from within is a testament to the grace bestowed upon us. As I reflect on the profound appreciation for the gift of beauty, I am reminded of the responsibility we carry to preserve and enhance this divine endowment. In my journey of self-care, I have discovered that the simple act of tending to my hair is not only a reflection of self-love but also an acknowledgement of the beauty that God has sculpted within and without. One remarkable aspect of our physical beauty lies in our hair. It frames our face, adds character to our features and is a canvas for expressing our individuality. Our hair is a divine accessory and caring for it is an act of gratitude for the gift of beauty bestowed upon us. Healthy, well-maintained hair, whether it be in its natural state or adorned with a golden hue, can significantly contribute to our overall appearance and confidence. The